Protect your data by:

  • Avoid clicking on links or opening attachments or emails from people you don’t know or companies you don’t do business with
  • Ensure you have smart screen (in Internet Explorer) turned on, which helps identify reported phishing and malware websites and helps you make informed decisions about downloads
  • Ensure that the pop-up blocker is running on your web browser
  • If you save documents to your local computer, regularly backup your important files.
  • Make sure your Windows Operating System is up-to-date
  • Make sure your Windows Server Operating Systems are up-to-date

Spreading of this Ransomware strain starts through the normal routes. A spam email is sent containing a malicious link or a malicious document. Once a target activates the malware by either clicking the link or opening the document the malware will hold the computer hostage until a ransom is paid. It does this by encrypting all of the files on the system with an encryption key. Once a ransom is paid a decryption key is supplied to the customer to decrypt the computer and its files.

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